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Lakorn 的负面影响

The negative influence of Lakorn
The problem of Lakorn aired during prime time is it undermines the existence of common sense and common human wisdom in its attempt to create dramatic show down between main protagonists. Several Lakorn simply adhered to this method which in turn-over an extended period of time, causes viewer to lose touch with reality. The political problems in Thailand at the current stage could be attributable to the negative influence of Lakorn in part. It is the disregard of common sense and common human wisdom that causes people to fade away from thinking critically, resultantly becoming prone to manipulation.

Lakorn 的负面影响
Lakorn 在黄金时段播出所产生的问题是逐渐破坏了普世的观念以及正常人们的观念, 意图创造以主要演员所呈现的戏剧表现.数部 Lakorn 单单追随这种模式. 过了一段时间, 造成观众失去与现实的接触, 政策的问题在泰国目前的阶段是可能归咎於 Lakorn 这部分所产生的负面影响. 即是漠视普世价值与人们的正常观念造成了人们失去了严肃的思考能力. 结果造成易於被操控.

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