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Lakorn 的演变.

Evolution of lakorns
Most lakorns portray the upper class of Thai society, usually through the male lead, but sometimes from both leads. He is rich, like Kongpop in Roy Leh Saneh Rai. Early on, the male leads were nobility, usually junior princes, such as a Mom Chao, because, back then, these were the rich people in Thai society. The rich male has since evolved into businessmen from influential families. This change mirrors the change in Thai society with the upper class now filled with business people and not so much from the royal and noble classes

Lakorn 的演变.
大多数的 Lakorn 都是描写泰国的上流社会, 通常透过有钱的男主角, 但有时候是男女主角, 例如在诡计多端的 Kongpop, 早期, 男主角都是贵族, 通常都是王子, 例如 Mom Chao (泰国王室的头衔), 因为在过去这些都是泰国社会上的有钱人, 这些有钱人都是从权势的家族演变而成商人的, 这些反映了在目前的泰国上流社会结构已经改为有钱的商人充斥而非仅仅只是皇室或是贵族.

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