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Characteristics 特性


Lakorns have very distinctive characteristics. Though some stray from these set rules, most adhere to them, especially ones that are very popular among Thai viewers.
• They are always about achieving a perfect ending in which the leading characters would marry their soulmates and live happily ever after.
• The two main lovers are established as soon as the lakorn starts. Viewers have no difficulties singling them out of the crowd for they tend to be the most popular soap-opera stars of the moment.
• The presence of a "bad" female character, sometimes more, is a must. This is the person who is totally in love with the male lead and will do all that is necessary to stop the two would-be lovers from fulfilling their destined ending.
• In the end, all conflicts in the story must be resolved. Everyone forgives each other. The "bad" guys receive their punishments and the "good" guys receive their rewards.
• The more melodramatic it is, the better. This is why situations are grossly exaggerated, actions are overly theatrical, and screams and shrieks (from the bad female) numerous.

Lakorn 拥有非常特殊的特性, 虽然角色设定上会有些错误, 但是仍然很受到支持, 尤其是一度非常受到泰国广大的观众欢迎.

Lakorn 通常都有个完美的结局, 最具特色的都是主角会跟心灵相契的那个人结婚, 从此过著幸福快乐的日子
• 最主要的情侣会在 Lokorn 的一开始播放就确认, 观众们不费力的就可以把他们选出来成为一时最受欢迎的明星.
• 反派的女配角在 Lakorn 里面有时候是必须的, 她一定会爱上男主角并且会采取一切该有的行为去阻止男女主角相爱。
• 最后, 所有在故事里面的冲突都会化解, 每个人都会原谅对方, 坏人会得到应有的逞罚, 而好人会得到奖赏.
• 越戏剧化越好, 这就是为什么情节会这么的夸张, 演员也是过度的夸大, 以及来自反派


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