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Lakorn 的男女演员

Actors and actresses in lakorns
Actors and actresses, referred to in Thai language as dara (stars), are usually cast in the same roles over and over again. An actress who plays the lead female would assume the same role.
Suvanant Kongying from Dao pra sook still plays the female lead. The same goes for other roles, such as the friend of the main leads, the bad characters, the servant characters, the mother characters, etc. An "upgrade" or "downgrade" does occur, such as when a female lead assumes the role of the mother, but is quite rare. Num Sornram Theppitak still plays the leading male character. Kob Suvanant Kongying and Num Sornram Theppitak are now the highest paid lakorn actress and actor in Thailand. They have done many lakorns together, also with other lakorn actors and actresses over the past years.
This trend causes a lot of problems for the daras in the leading roles as they age, especially for actresses. Thai audiences seem to like their leads young and beautiful and many past female daras have disappeared from the screen once they reach the age of 30 or so. A few defy this norm, such as Marsha Wattanapanich, and even then, she is gradually disappearing.
This problem is not as bad for actors, as can be seen in the prolific career of veteran actor Chatchai Plengpanich. His wife, the once famous Sinjai Plengpanich, has all but disappeared, except for the few commercials seen in prime-time.

Lakorn 的男女演员
男女演员, 在泰文里面称为 dara (明星), 通常在剧组班底里面每次都会扮演相同的角色, 一个女演员演了女主角那麼她也会担任相同的角色. 

Dao pra sook 里面的Suvanant Kongying 依旧伴演女主角的角色, 其他角色也是相同的, 例如主角的朋友, 反派角色, 仆人的角色, 或是妈妈的角色等等. “升级” 或是 “降级” 的事情也会发生, 例如女角主去担任妈妈的角色, 但是这是很稀少的情况. Num, Sornran Theppitak 仍就担任男主角, Kob, Suvanant Kongying 以及 Num, Sornran Theppitak 是目前价码最高的泰国 Lakorn 演员, 他们一同演过很多的 Lakorn并且在过去几年也和其他的演员演过很多作品.
(以上资料确切时 间不详, 仅知道最后修改时间为 2008年 9月 26日 00:16分 AM )

(我的理解 : 就是每个人有专门演的的角色~~ 男主角专门演男主角, 女主角专门演女主角 
很少有人会 突然不演男女主角而去演反派或是其他的角色, 也很少有女配角突然演起女主角的意思 )

Lakorn 的这种趋势也对男女明星造成了许多的麻烦, 例如年龄. 尤其是女演员. 泰国的观众喜欢主角年轻漂亮, 所以很多明星的年纪一旦快要三十岁的时候都消失在萤光幕前面. 只有少数是例外的. 例如 : Marsha Wattanapanich
即便 是如此, 她也逐渐的在消失中.

这些麻烦对演员来说也并非都是坏的, 就像可以看到丰富经历的老牌演员 Chatchai Plengpanich , 他的妻子, 曾一度非常有名的, Sinjai Plengpanich 都已经消失了, 除了在黄金时段上可以看到一些广告.

以上文章最后修改时间为 2008年 9月 26日 00:16 AM

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